
It is finally here, created with many, many personal tears of love shed over the past few months.

Since losing my own baby at 16 weeks gestation, my dream has been to create a place of support and understanding for those who have experienced the loss of a baby, through pregnancy or shortly thereafter.  Here you will find the stories of those who have shared their grief in the hope that they can provide comfort to others, information for family and friends for supporting mothers and fathers who are grieving, and links to other online support services.

Pregnancy loss is not spoken openly about in our society.  Oftentimes, this grief is left unacknowledged as we are awkward and do not know how to comfort each other when we are grieving the loss of someone we never really had the opportunity to get to know.  And yet mothers, fathers, children, grandparents, extended family, friends - all are left changed by the loss of a baby, the dream of a life together which is shattered when that life is taken too soon.

In the days following the loss of my own baby, I had absolutely no idea how to feel or what to expect.  I searched the internet for stories of other mothers who had stood where I was. I ached for a sense of connection within my loneliness. I needed to know that there were others out there who understood, that I was not alone in what I was feeling, and I needed to find hope that I would come out of the other side.  And although each person’s story is different, reading about the experiences of others helped me.  My dream is that With Tears of Love will also help others.

The loss of any baby is tragic, whatever the circumstances.  Please respect that this is not a place to debate personal beliefs or values, instead this is a place to honour those babies lost and to reach out and uphold those experiencing personal grief.

Today I invite you to read these stories and be open with your support, you might also like to subscribe so that you stay updated when new stories are added.  I also invite you to light a candle at 7pm this evening as October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. If everyone lights a candle tonight and keeps it burning for at least one hour, the whole world will be lit in a continuous wave of light burning bright in memory of our angels.  I cannot tell you how much the picture in my mind of this wave of light which acknowledges the life of my baby boy comforts me, especially as I have so little to remember him by.

With tears of love, Christie x

Losing a baby can feel like the most isolating experience in the world and it is something we often don’t talk openly about.  If we can let one mother (or father or grandmother) know that she is not alone in her grief, then that is a good thing.  You can help us support families experiencing baby loss by submitting your story, by leaving a comment below, and by sharing this post on Facebook or Twitter.


Tammy said...

I don't have a story to Share but have posted your link for my friends who will have things to share and support to gain through this site.

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

It's a beautiful site Christie. I have a story to share , when I re edit it. (hugs)
I'll be joining in the Wave of Light tonight. I'll light a candle for your precious boy too.x

Hear Mum Roar said...

You've all done a great job in getting this site going, I wish everyone all the best

Samantha Hauzer said...

I think this site is a wonderful idea. A friend of mine lost her baby just a few weeks ago, and has a blog in his memory http://harrisonsfightforlife.blogspot.com/ . I will definately be telling her about this special place.

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely idea.
For anyone who needs to talk to someone.. or who needs support through tragedy http://whitebutterflyproject.org is there for you.
They also run a reflection service and a retreat.
Congratulations on starting something so beautiful Christie

Unknown said...

Christie, Thankyou for starting such a nurturing and beuatiful place for us to share our stories. I still think about what my first child may have grown up to become if things had turned out differently. Knowing there is a place like this will hopefully make it easier for those who will have a story to tell in the future.

Merran said...

I know you will touch a lot of lives Christie with this blog.

izzy said...

I also think that having this site is a wonderful, healthy idea. I'll be coming back to read up your updates. Hang in there, we're all here for you.

Kendra said...

What a beatiful site, and what a beautiful place to talk about all those babies we never got to know. I'm so glad that there is such a supportive place when parents need it most.